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Employment as a doctoral candidate or teaching / research assistant

Questions and Answers | Part 2: Existing employment

Employment as a doctoral candidate / teaching and research assistant will expire during or at the end of 2024 and is to be renewed.

The extension will be made on the new terms of employment.

Employment as a doctoral candidate / teaching and research assistant expires during or at the end of 2024 and is not to be renewed.

The person remains employed at the previous terms of employment until they leave.

The employment is limited beyond the year 2024.

If the employment relationship still exists at the end of 2024, it will be continued under the new terms of employment from January 1, 2025.
The scope and nature of the teaching and other tasks will be set out in the individual outline of rights and responsibilities.

A non-doctoral teaching and research assistant position will end during 2024. Can this position be renewed?

The position can now be filled within the framework of a two-year pilot project as a "Temporary Research & Teaching Support". The maximum duration of the fixed-term contract is two years.

Can a person be simultaneously employed as a doctoral candidate and a teaching and research assistant?

No. Although both are qualification positions with the aim of obtaining a doctoral degree, the positions have different general conditions.

What is the protected time for an employment level of 40 %?

At an employment level of 40 %, the protected time for teaching and research assistants is at least 30 % of a full-time equivalent, i.e. 1.5 working days. For doctoral candidates, the protected time is 40 % of a full-time equivalent, i.e. the entire working time.

What is the protected time for doctoral candidates with an employment level of less than 70 %?

If the degree of employment is 70 % or less, the total working time corresponds to protected time.

What is the protected time for doctoral candidates with an employment level of more than 80 %?

The protected time is 70 % of a full-time equivalent, even with a higher level of employment.

Can the employment level of a doctoral candidate or teaching and research assistant position be increased?

Yes, but the additionally compensated activities must be relevant to the qualification. In addition, the higher protected time must also be observed for teaching and research assistants in the event of an increase of the employment level. For teaching and research assistants, the protected time is defined relative to the employment level. For activities that are not relevant to their qualification, people can be employed in the new «Temporary Research & Teaching Support» position (for a maximum of two years).

When is a teaching and research assistantship or doctoral position externally funded?

A teaching and research assistantship or doctoral position is only externally funded if the source of funding is external, i.e. comes from a legal entity other than UZH (e.g. Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF). Special funding within UZH is therefore UZH-funded employment, e.g. funding from central, strategic programs such as the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) or University Research Funding (UFO).

Do the new employment conditions affect FCS scholarship holders?

No. FCS scholarship holders can continue to be employed as teaching and research assistants with an employment level that is lower than the prescribed minimum employment level. Fur-ther information on this can be found in the fact sheet "FCS Scholarship Holders (fact sheet)".

Is it possible to balance the number of hours spent on teaching and other tasks over the years and thus maintain the protected time over the entire duration of the doctorate?

The PhD candidate and the supervisor can agree and establish how the number of hours spent on teaching and other tasks will be distributed over the years of employment in the individual outline of rights and responsibilities. However, both parties must always be in agreement.

Further Q&A topics on the following page:

Weiterführende Informationen

University acts and practices at UZH

Description of the new model, graphical representations and requirements

Current regulations 2023 and template new doctoral agreement