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Employment as a doctoral candidate or teaching / research assistant

Regulations, Outlines of Rights and Responsibilities and Guidelines

Content Download
Regulations for the General Outline of Rights and Responsibilities of the Faculties for Teaching and Research Assistants and Doctoral Candidates (Regulations for the General Outline of Rights and Responsibilities), 29.08.2023.
► The English version is provided for informational purposes only and has no legal bearing. Only the German document is legally binding.   
Regulations_General_Outline_Rights_Responsibilities_EN (PDF, 161 KB)
Sample Doctoral Agreement, 29.09.2023
(to be adapted in accordance with the respective ordinance on obtaining a doctoral degree)

Template_Doctoral_Agreement_EN (DOCX, 79 KB)

Guideline «Temporary Teaching & Research Support»: Pilot 2024-2025 Guidelines_Support_ResearchTeaching_EN (PDF, 88 KB)
Template 1: Individual Outline of Rights and Responsibilities RWF Template_1_Individual_Outline_Rights_RwF_EN (DOCX, 58 KB)
Template 2: Individual Outline of Rights and Responsibilities PhF Template_2_Individual_Outline_Rights_PhF_EN (DOCX, 58 KB)
Template 3: Individual Outline of Rights and Responsibilities MeF Template_3_Individual_Outline_Rights_MeF_EN (DOCX, 59 KB)
Career Discussion Guidelines for Researchers Guidelines_CareerDiscussions_2024 (PDF, 62 KB)


Weiterführende Informationen

University acts and practices at UZH

Description of the new model, graphical representations and requirements

General Questions, recruiting for the year 2024, existing employment